Children praised for handing in £500 lost cash

Lewis Watson standing outside his computer repair shop with blue notices on the door and windows
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Lewis Watson dropped the cash between his shop and the local post office

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A shop owner has praised children who handed back £500 in cash which he lost on his way to the post office

Lewis Watson dropped the money while walking from his computer repair shop in Hythe, Hampshire on Friday.

After posting an appeal on social media, he had the money returned with a note saying "we hope this makes your day".

Mr Watson said the children "did the right thing".

He explained he had put "just under £500" in his pocket to take to lodge at the post office.

"I had a lot of parcels in my hand as well - I think that was the cause of it. When I posted the parcels, I realised the cash wasn't there so started panicking a bit.

"I'd hoped I'd left it back at the shop, but walked back and forth and couldn't find it.

"I just accepted that I'm not going to see it again. It was payday for my staff the next day, so not an ideal time."

Image source, Lewis Watson
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The money was returned with a note attached

He said he was persuaded by his family to post an appeal on social media.

After posting on Facebook, he received a private message that his money had been found outside Waitrose and arranged to collect it.

An attached note from "Louie and Jacob" said: "The right thing was to hand it back, although I wanted to buy sweets with it.

"Hope this makes your day."

Mr Lewis said: "I did feel a bit stupid. I've learnt a lesson to be a bit more careful."

He added that he had made sure he the children "got a reward" for their honesty.

"I think they're going to go and buy some sweets," he said.