Your pictures on the theme of 'time'
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We asked our readers to send in their best pictures on the theme of "time". Here is a selection of the photographs we received from around the world.

Jane Luetkens: "The dandelion clock is ticking."

John Hughes: "A street photo taken in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk."

Harald Loeffler: "It can take decades for a rock to slide across the Racetrack playa in California's Death Valley, moved by the wind on rain-slicked mud and gouging out its trail."

Larry Hurst: "Stop the clocks, a moment in time in Canada Square, London."

Carsten Schnoor: "Old alarm clock with spiderweb on it. Reminds me of the song by Freddie Mercury : Time waits for no-one."

Jakub Maly: "A watch which has been passed down through four generations the origins of which has been lost to time. How the pocket watch came to be is unknown. Inscribed on the back are the following: 'Angre, Double Plateau, Balancier Compensé, Spiral Breguet, 17 Rubis'."

Emma Warren: "Enjoying our time at the Palace of Stardust lights, at Hampton Court Palace."

Bridget Perkin: "Enjoyed while walking back to the gate in Schiphol airport, after a long delay."

Rob Goldsmith: "Dandelion clock ticking away."

Carsten Schnoor: "Mind the gap - the train is on time."

Ruth Rasbridge: "Bad Timing! This faceplant landing but no seagull was harmed in the making of this shot."

David Pechey: "Time run out. These trees in a Hertfordshire park have served their time and will not show blossom in the coming spring."

Doris Enders: "Time measured the old fashioned way."

Roland Trope: "Time's Lengthening Shadow. All birthdays mark the end of one, the start of another, age. Some birthdays cast a lengthening shadow as the single candle does in this image of a 70th birthday pumpkin pie."

Jo Betts: "Metamorphosis."

And finally... Catherine Sherwood: "Have ewe got time for a selfie?"
The next theme is "in the kitchen" and the deadline for entries is 6 August 2024.
The pictures will be published later that week and you will be able to find them, along with other galleries, on the In Pictures section of the BBC News website.
You can upload your entries directly here or email them to
Further details and themes are at: We set the theme, you take the pictures.
All photographs subject to copyright.