Waiting times top patient concerns, survey finds

Emergency Department
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The report from Healthwatch Cornwall surveyed 92 people over two days in September and October

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A survey of patients using the Royal Cornwall Hospital's Emergency Department (ED) found lengthy waiting times was the issue that most concerned them.

The report from Healthwatch Cornwall surveyed 92 people in Truro's ED over two days in September and October last year.

Other concerns raised included parking, inadequate signage and cleanliness.

Debbie Richards, chief executive at Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, welcomed the report saying it "provides a useful insight".

Comments on the standard of care from staff, and treatment, were found to be more positive.

The report found 87% of people had sought advice prior to travelling to the department and 76% had travelled there by private transport.

A third of people (33%) surveyed had last visited the department within the last six months, and 20% were there on the advice of NHS 111.

'Challenging circumstances'

Respondents were also asked about their financial situation, how they felt about their experience and what they felt could be improved.

Debbie Gilbert, CEO of Healthwatch Cornwall, said: “It is seven years since our previous report on the Emergency Department, and the demands on our health and care system are even more apparent.

"As such, one of the main questions of this survey was to determine whether people are seeking out advice from other services prior to arrival at ED, and what might be done to improve their experiences while there.”

Kim O’Keeffe, chief nursing officer at the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, said their staff work "tirelessly".

She said: "It is heartening for our staff, who are working tirelessly to do their very best in often challenging circumstances, to see that so many patients were satisfied with the care they received and felt they were treated with compassion."

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