Thief banned from Morrisons and Co-op stores

Luke Betts' mugshot. Has thinning, shaved hair and a ginger beardImage source, Thames Valley Police
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Luke Betts was found with a steak knife by police when he was arrested

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A thief has been banned from all Morrisons and Co-op stores in England and Wales.

Luke Betts cut off a £440 police tracking tag in March and between 3-16 April stole laundry cleaning products from shops of both companies in Slough worth a total of £563.40.

Police found Betts carrying a steak knife when they arrested him on 17 April.

The 36-year-old, of no fixed address, was jailed for 26 weeks at Slough Magistrates’ Court last week.

Image source, Getty Images
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Betts will not be legally visiting a Morrisons store for two years

Betts earlier admitted three counts of shoplifting, one count of possession of a bladed article in a public place and another count of criminal damage.

Magistrates imposed a criminal behaviour order (CBO) and a serious violence reduction order (SVRO), both which will last for two years.

As part of the CBO, he has been banned from entering the supermarkets and he must not enter Scafell Road in Slough.

He must not conceal his face or head when entering shops.

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