Boy, 13, arrested over school bomb hoaxes

The back of a male police officer wearing a hi-vis jacket which has a police label on the back and he is wearing a black hatImage source, Getty Images
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Officers confirmed the teenager was held in connection with the hoaxes

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A 13-year-old boy has been arrested in connection with bomb hoaxes which saw six schools evacuated in Southampton.

Calls were recieved at the schools on Wednesday and extensive searches of each site were carried out before police gave the all-clear.

Officers confirmed a teenager from Southampton was arrested on suspicion of communicating false information but has since been released on bail until 26 September.

Bitterne Park School, Banister Park School, Regents Park Community College, St Anne’s Catholic Girl’s Secondary School, Weston School and St George’s Catholic High School for girls were all targeted.

Supt Phil Lamb said: "We hope that this will act as a deterrent for those who may have considered taking similar action in the future."