Trials of electric buses continue on Manx roads

An electric bus outside the NSC on the Isle of ManImage source, IOM GOV
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The electric bus is on the island for a three-week trial

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An electric bus has been brought to the Isle of Man for a three-week trial to test its suitability for the roads, the infrastructure department has confirmed.

It follows a similar period of testing held early last year, which saw a single-decker vehicle travel through Manx towns.

An infrastructure department spokesman said while the trial was not planned specifically for TT, it had "helped with capacity during this very busy period".

The visit by the Mercedes Evobus had also given operator Bus Vannin a chance to carry out a workshop training programme, which included electro mobility and coach training, he added.

'Climate change targets'

As well as offering drivers and engineers a chance to familiarise themselves with the vehicles, the trial allows the government to gain "island specific performance data", the spokesman said.

"This will assist the department in its strategic approach to support climate change targets," he added.

The previous trial of electric buses on the island included the vehicle carrying sandbags in place of people.

The department later ran passenger services on two buses, one single-decker and one double-decker, during the 2023 TT festival.

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