Two men arrested after police officer hit by car

The Applegreen Service StationImage source, Google Maps
Image caption,

The two men have been released on bail until September as enquiries continue, police said

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Two men have been arrested after a police officer was injured as he investigated burglaries in St Austell.

The officer suffered a serious arm injury after being hit by a car in Penwinnick Road, on Thursday evening, police said.

Devon and Cornwall Police said a 33-year-old and a 48-year-old man were arrested on Saturday in the St Austell area on suspicion of burglary and causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Both men have been released on bail until September while police continue inquiries.

Officer on foot

On Thursday, police were called to reports of a burglary at the Applegreen Service Station.

A police officer saw a red VW Golf at 23:40 BST on the forecourt which was linked to reports of keys being taken from a property in Roche.

The constable approached the car on foot but was hit by it as it drove off, police said.

On Saturday, a vehicle police were seeking was found in the St Austell area after a public appeal.

A 33-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of burglary and causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

A 48-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of four counts of burglary and one count of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Supt Jim Saunders said the force was also investigating a separate robbery incident at a nearby Texaco petrol station at about 23:00 on the same day.

He said two suspects forced their way into the petrol station and took cash.

Detectives siad they no longer believed the Texaco incident was linked to the robbery in which a police officer was hit by a car.

A spokesperson for the force said: "Two men, aged 33 and 48, were previously arrested in connection to both incidents.

"The men have now been eliminated from enquiries linked to the Texaco investigation."

Officers have appealed for information on the whereabouts of a black VW Golf with the registration AV07 UFA, which is thought to be linked to the Texaco petrol station robbery.

The car was last seen in the St Austell area on Friday, they said.

Anyone with information about the burglaries should contact police, they added.