King's award for man who saved neighbour in attack

King Charles Image source, PA Media
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The King’s Commendation for Bravery recognises people who have put themselves at risk of danger to help someone

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A man who rushed to the aid of his neighbour as she was being stabbed by a friend is to be recognised for his heroic act.

Paul Martin, a payroll clerk from Old Swan, Liverpool, will be awarded The King’s Commendation for Bravery.

Kelsey Anne Gielinck was stabbed 18 times in her own home by her friend Lauren Walsh who had stolen her bank card, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said.

Mr Martin, who seized the knife from Walsh, said he was "pleasantly surprised" by the award.

The 39-year-old, who was nominated by his wife, said it was "nice to hear that you get appreciated".

'Blood all over the place'

Mr Martin had been working from home on 14 April 2021 when he heard someone outside shouting for help.

His bloodied neighbour, Wesley Pemberton, told him his girlfriend Kelsey Anne Gielinck was being stabbed by her friend Lauren Walsh in their home.

Mr Martin rushed inside to intervene and seized the knife from Walsh, then stayed with Ms Gielinck, then 21, until an ambulance arrived.

“There was blood all over the place, I shouted ‘girls, what are you doing?’… she [Walsh] just froze and I walked over and actually took the knife from her, I was under the impression that she didn’t know what was going on," Mr Martin said.

“It was like a red mist had come over her, she looked at me with a blank expression on her face, I just took the knife from her and got Kelsey out of the house.”

Walsh, aged 22, was later found guilty at Liverpool Crown Court of two counts of attempted murder, the CPS said.

Mr Martin said he was still in touch with the two people who were attacked and was "just glad that they survived”.

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