'Persistent' shoplifter is banned from city centre

A police custody photo of Krzysztof RulskiImage source, Gloucestershire Constabulary
Image caption,

Rulski was caught after stealing 26 T-shirts from Marks and Spencer

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A persistent shoplifter has been banned from shops in Gloucester city centre for three years.

Krzysztof Rulski, 41, of London Road, pleaded guilty to three counts of theft when he appeared at Gloucester Crown Court on 29 May.

He admitted stealing items worth almost £900 over a three-week period in April this year.

Gloucestershire Police said he was caught after stealing 26 T-shirts, worth more than £320, from Marks and Spencer on Eastgate Street.

Officers were called by staff, and were able to identify Rulski from CCTV.

The court handed him a Criminal Behaviour Order for three years, banning him from entering any Gloucester City Safe premises, external during that period.

Sergeant Andy Doyle, of the city centre neighbourhood policing team, said: "Rulski has been a persistent offender, repeatedly stealing from shops in Gloucester, resulting in businesses losing hundreds of pounds worth of goods.

"The penalties imposed by the court will give some much-needed respite to the people working in the city centre."

Rulski was also given a community order with a requirement to attend a course for his behaviour and to pay £85 costs, along with a £114 surcharge.

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