Driver clampdown leads to 100 arrests, say police

A male police officer wearing a high-viz yellow jacket with police written in white letters on a blue rectangle on his back, standing beside a red car with an open window
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In total, 119 people were arrested for drink or drug use, and three people have been prosecuted in the month-long clamp-down

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Police have made more than 100 arrests targeting drivers who were breaking the law during July.

The month-long initiative, external involved officers carrying out roadside checks in Norfolk to catch people using their mobile phones, speeding, not wearing their seatbelts or drink or drug driving.

In total, 119 people were arrested for drink or drug use, while 86 drivers were caught using their mobile phones and 39 were not wearing their seat belt.

Insp Will Drummond said the campaign "aimed to target all fatal four offences" and added "their actions could have had devastating consequences".

"We placed a specific focus on driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs due to the Euros tournament," he said.

More than 6,200 drivers were caught speeding, three of whom were prosecuted, while 193 people attended speed awareness courses and 88 paid fixed penalty notices.

Norfolk Police said the number of people killed and seriously injured on the county's roads in July was usually 20% more than the average across the year.

The force added this was largely due to people making longer journeys and travelling from outside the area for their holidays.

It said the better weather attracted vulnerable road users running, walking and cycling.

The initiative was run in conjunction with a UK-wide operation organised by the National Police Chiefs' Council.

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