Call to end shortage of volunteers in Jersey

Sarah smiles at the camera and there is a banner to the left of right and a behind her a calendar is on the wall
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Sarah Jane Holt wants more volunteers to come forward and make a difference on the island

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An organisation that helps charities and not for profit organisations (NPOs) find volunteers says there is a shortage of volunteers in Jersey. helps connect people with the correct skills that charities and NPOs need.

But it says many are struggling to find enough people to give up their time to help.

The organisation has been celebrating the work of volunteers in the island as part of Volunteer Week, which is a national campaign in its 40th year.

'Work tirelessly'

Sarah Jane Holt from has been speaking to people who want to support local causes during the campaign and has been sharing the stories of volunteers to the wider community.

She said people “worked tirelessly in the background” and “organisations need volunteers to keep them afloat.”

“We don't have enough volunteers in the island and volunteers are always needed across the board,” Ms Holt added.

She hoped the campaign would show charities need people to be “bookkeepers, treasurers, committee members and groups are crying out for them but too few people don't realise that”.

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People have been learning about how they can make a difference during Volunteers Week

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