Officer sacked for 'gross misconduct'

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A panel found PC Ahmed's actions breached the standards of professional behaviour

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A police officer has been sacked for punching two people in the head, pepper spraying them in the face and using abusive language.

PC Sulaiman Ahmed, based in Slough, was found to have used "unreasonable and disproportionate force" on two separate occasions.

A misconduct hearing from 2 - 5 September concluded that PC Ahmed breached multiple standards of professional behaviour.

The Thames Valley Police officer was dismissed without notice for "gross misconduct".

The three-person panel at the hearing reviewed evidence from two incidents where PC Ahmed was on duty.

On 8 August 2022, the panel said it was "proven" that PC Ahmed had "punched" an individual known as "person A" in the head.

He also sprayed person A in the face with pepper spray "at close range".

He was proven to have used the same actions on "Mr Zekari", while on duty on 9 January 2023.

The panel also found that PC Ahmed used "abusive language" towards the individuals on both occasions.

They agreed that "the multitude of insults and disparaging terms used discredited the police service".

The panel found all of these actions breached the standards of professional behaviour.

'Protect public confidence'

When summarising why they decided to dismiss PC Ahmed the panel said they were "concerned" by his attitude during both incidents.

They decided: "There was a need to protect public confidence in, and the reputation of, the police service, a need to maintain high professional standards and a need to protect the public by preventing similar misconduct in the future.

"This was only appropriately served by the outcome of dismissal without notice."

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