Your pictures on the theme of 'road trip'
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We asked our readers to send in their best pictures on the theme of "road trip". Here is a selection of the photographs we received from around the world.

Victor Tregubov: "Taken in Glen Etive, Scotland."

Hilary Steele: "Whilst on holiday in New Zealand we were stopped by a police officer and asked to park up as a large vehicle was coming through. We then experienced a whole new meaning to moving house."

Geoff Watson: "Finding Elvis."

Nigel Collier: "A walk with my dog Boo around West Yorkshire."

Carolyn Montgomery: "Just me and the open road…"

Sonja de Klerk: "The road trip was to Namibia and the photo was taken riding the dunes as part of the Namib100 hike."

Carsten Schnoor: "When I saw this vintage car, I couldn't help but photograph it because it reminded me of my childhood. Karmann Ghias were manufactured from 1956 to 1974, many of which were convertibles."

Pat Foreman: "Oraiste (our Irish Wolfhound ) loves a road trip - especially in a car with a bit of headroom."

Craig Vaughton: "Off road."

Clancy Smith: "Roadtripping like it’s 1966."

Anne Bostwick: "A bygone age of motoring, posing beside the family 1954 Vauxhall Cresta on Woodbury Common, Devon, in 1960."

Shona Thornhill: "Bolivia road trip, a chance for reflection."

Rick Woodward: "A male ostrich leads his young on a road trip near the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa."

Shai Shotts: "I think I’m hilarious company on a road trip. But clearly not everyone feels the same way."

Ann Gibbs-Jordan: "One of my final camps on my solo tour of the remote and arid Corner Country of New South Wales. I was about to crawl into my little tent when I spotted the last rays of the sun highlighted on the side of my car, so I grabbed my phone and shot a few pics."

Megan Waugh: "Wellies required!"

Mark Ashmeade: "The road is only a path. It is what you see along the way that makes the trip."

Maria del Pilar Londoño: "A perfect light and a dusty window made for a fun self- portrait on an early morning road trip."

Leonardo Fugoso: "Motorbikes crowd Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City in the Philippines. This is the widest street in the Philippines, about eight lanes in each direction. I remember as a child in the 1970s when this was a one-lane road, surrounded by tall grass on each side."

Marin Offer: "Heading on 190 from the Furnace Creek heat to the cool of the Sierras."

Sara Bickley: "Not sure I would want to take a road trip on this steam roller, which was on its way to a local fair."

Jason Shrubb: "We took an older relation on a road trip to where they once lived and worked. The house had been demolished and the roads and buildings were all closed."

Kirsten Weller: "Who says you need four wheels for a proper road trip?"
The next theme is "autumn walks" and the deadline for entries is 19 November 2024.
The pictures will be published later that week and you will be able to find them, along with other galleries, on the In Pictures section of the BBC News website.
You can upload your entries directly here or email them to
Further details and themes are at: We set the theme, you take the pictures.
All photographs subject to copyright.