Residents fed up of fly-tipping in their street

Ann Stevens, Janie Frost and Sharon Wood stood in a street
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Ann Stevens, Janie Frost and Sharon Wood are all fed up with the state of their streets

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Residents said they were fed up of fly-tipping in their streets and have called for more action to be taken by the local authority.

Mattresses, bags of rubbish and suitcases are just some of the items people living in Semilong, Northampton, regularly find on the street when they leave their homes.

West Northamptonshire Council said it was working with its waste service provider, to explore ways to tackle litter in the area.

Earlier this year a feature was added to the West Northamptonshire Council's app to make it easier for people to report littering, fly-tipping and a range of other issues.

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Mattresses and bags of rubbish are just some of the items regularly dumped in the area

Janie Frost has lived in Semilong on and off for about 30 years and she chairs the neighbourhood plan for the area.

She said: "I go round the area a couple of times a week and report things, if I didn't it would look like a tip, because I can't stand living here in this mess."

Ann Stevens has lived in the area for 28 years and has found rats in her house eating her fruit and vegetables, which she puts down to the fly-tipping.

She said: "It's just disheartening when you walk up the street and you're greeted by bags, furniture any old thing.

"I feel quite dispirited but I am alright once I'm in my house, well I am now the rats have gone."

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The residents said the streets in the area were "a mess"

In a statement Rebecca Breese, the cabinet member for environment, recycling and waste at West Northamptonshire Council, said: "Fly-tipping is both an environmental menace and an eyesore which blights our communities and West Northamptonshire Council is committed to investigate reports of fly-tipping and take enforcement action against those who illegally dump their waste.

"Every person who produces rubbish has a responsibility to make sure it is disposed of properly."

The unitary authority said in Northampton it was looking at alternatives to try and reduce the fly-tipping.

Ms Breese said: "In Northampton, the council is working with our waste service provider, Veolia, to explore the possibility of introducing additional areas to have clear recycling bags opposed to boxes."

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