Ada Lovelace: Challenging women's status in science

Tuesday 16 October marks Ada Lovelace day, an annual event designed to raise the profile of female scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians.

Ada Lovelace worked with inventor Charles Babbage on plans for an "analytical engine" in the 1800s, now widely regarded as the world's first computer model - making Ms Lovelace the first computer programmer.

In London a cabaret-style evening of talks, demonstrations and singing, all performed by women, is marking the event, with additional celebrations planned locally in Brazil, Slovenia, Sweden, Italy and America.

BBC News caught up with four of the women taking part in the London event, to find out about the experiences of modern women working in science.

Video journalist: Dougal Shaw

Photograph of Sarah Angliss courtesy of Sin Bozkurt; second photograph of Helen Scales courtesy of Steve Trewhella