Is Christine Janes Britain's happiest person?

How happy are you? Government researchers will begin questioning a sample of 200,000 over-16s across Britain to assess how satisfied they are with their lives.

They will be asked to rate their happiness on a scale of 0 to 10 with questions like how happy or anxious did you feel yesterday? And to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?

The Office for National Statistics has a budget of around £2m ($3.2m) per year for the initiative. It is hoped the results will provide key information for policymakers and businesses alike.

The ex-tennis star Christine Janes - formerly Christine Truman - has been judged, using a formula, by an economist as the happiest person in Britain. She spoke to the BBC along with Charles Seaford from the Centre for Well-being at the New Economics Foundation about what makes a person happy.