How do you get a job in..?

With record numbers of young people out of work, it is not surprising that some are taking matters into their own hands and starting their own businesses.

It is not an easy option, however, as most small businesses fail in their first couple of years.

Holly Tucker and Sophie Cornish are founders of, the site which is a market place for the products of thousands of small businesses. They say you have to be tenacious and never take "no" for an answer when you run your own business.

The Prince's Trust , externaloffers advice to unemployed people aged 18-30 wanting to start their own business. It can also provide funding, but currently gets more requests for money than it can afford. This service is for those in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, the Prince's Scottish Youth Business Trust, external works with 18-25 year olds.

The government's Business Link service has a comprehensive website , externalwith lots of guides and videos on topics including drawing up a business plan and filing a tax return. This is a general guide, but there is also specific information for those in Scotland,, externalWales, external and Northern Ireland. , external

Finally, the Prince's Trust has also put together a list of other possible sources of support, external.

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