Drunk people ask the most awkward questions

Lost Voice Guy uses an iPad to speak and has become an expert handler of awkward questions as a result.

“Can you really not talk?” and “have you ever tried to speak to see what would happen?” are just two questions put to the comedian with cerebral palsy by drunk people after gigs.

His many witty comebacks, including pretending he has a side-line as a satellite navigation system, are revealed in the second of our podcasts from the BBC Ouch storytelling night at this year’s Edinburgh Festival.

Also featured are Maura, an autistic woman with hair envy and “the social skills of a used teabag” - and Frank, who was rescued from a partial seizure by Al Pacino.

The show is presented by Sofie Hagen and the producer is Ed Morrish. You can see a full transcript here.

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