Inside Ballet Black as the company prepares for world premiere

Ballet Black was set up to provide dancers of black and Asian descent with a place to perform ballet - "where they weren't necessarily the only black face in the room", according to founder Cassa Pancho.

This year marks the company's 10th anniversary, and to celebrate a new work has been commissioned.

Choreographer Will Tucket has created a semi-narrative ballet inspired by the myth of Orpheus, with music by Stravinsky.

Damien Johnson, the longest serving member of the London-based company, is dancing the role of Orpheus, the poet and musician who enters the underworld to try to rescue his love, played by Sarah Kundi.

The BBC spent some time with Ballet Black in rehearsals to find out more.

Shot and edited by Emyr Cummins. Produced by Claudia Redmond.