What it takes to be a teenage editor-in-chief on the web

Tavi Gevinson started her first blog Style Rookie when she was 11. She was shopping at thrift stores, taking pictures of her outfits and writing about music, images and movies that inspired her.

Soon Courtney Love, Miuccia Prada and Lady Gaga started reading and loving her blog. At 13, Tavi got invited to Fashion Week, front line, provoking some criticism. "They were talking about how inappropriate it was for someone of my age to go to Fashion Week, she remembers, but this was coming from an industry that fetishes youth."

Now Tavi is 15 and has started her own web magazine for teenage girls, RookieMag.com, that counts four editors and 40 writers, illustrators and photographers.

She explains to the BBC what teenagers look for in the internet and talks about being a blogger, an editor-in-chief and a young girl.

Produced by Anna Bressanin, Camera by Ilya Shnitser

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