Undocumented immigrant's plea to Obama: 'Don't forget the dreamers'

Victor will be 21 years old next week. He is a 'dreamer'.

Victor was born in Mexico, and his parents brought him to Birmingham in the US state of Alabama when he was six. They entered illegally, however, so he does not have citizenship in the only country he has ever called home.

In December he got a work permit and a social security number under a scheme introduced by President Barack Obama. But that does not offer him a path to citizenship.

Victor had good grades in school but he cannot apply for student loans, nor can he afford to pay foreign-student fees for college. He cannot get a driving licence either. And he lives in fear his parents may be deported at any time.

As Mr Obama prepares for his inauguration, Victor says he hopes he delivers on his promise to pass comprehensive immigration reform in his second term.

Produced for the BBC by Anna Bressanin; camera by Ilya Shnitser

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