King James Bible: Writing all 788,000 words by hand

For four centuries English-speaking people have learned about Christianity by reading the King James Bible.

The English translation introduced phrases still well-used today such as 'no peace for the wicked' (Isaiah 57:21), 'the blind leading the blind' (Matthew 15:13) and 'God forbid' (Romans 13:1).

One retiree from New York state in the US has spent four years writing the entire Bible - all 788,000 words - out by hand on 2,400 pages of watercolour paper.

Phillip Patterson, 63, finished the final verses this weekend before reading from his finished manuscript at his church in the village of Philmont.

Mr Patterson explained to the BBC's Matt Danzico why he undertook the monkish pursuit, despite saying he does not consider himself particularly religious.