Yoga - with dogs

It started in the US, when a growing band of health-conscious dog owners wanted a way of combining their favourite exercise with spending quality time with their pets.

Now 'Doga' - yoga with dogs - is growing in popularity in the UK, mainly thanks to the efforts of Swiss-born yoga teacher Mahny Djahanguiri, external.

She runs classes in London for people and their pets, and while the dogs do not really get a yoga workout themselves, they certainly play a part in some of the poses.

A spokesperson from the Dogs Trust said: "It is important to remember that dogs can't tell us when they have had enough. Doga, and any variation of it, should always be carried out under the watchful eye of trained professionals."

BBC News went along to find out more about about the activity.

Stop/Start is a series of video features for the BBC News website which follows both new trends that are beginning and old traditions that are coming to an end.

Video journalist: Tom Beal

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