Can David Beckham bring Major League Soccer to Miami?

Major League Soccer (MLS), the premier football league in the US, is hoping to add a new team in Miami, fuelled by the star-power of David Beckham and LeBron James.

An option in Mr Beckham's record-setting contract allows the former England captain to buy a franchise for a discounted $25 million (£15.3 million), and he has set his sights on the bustling South Florida metropolis.

The last MLS team in Miami folded in 2001 after just four seasons with sparse attendance and the lowest revenue in the league. Now, league executives and Mr Beckham believe that demographics have shifted even more in their favour, with an ever increasing influx of Latin Americans calling Miami home.

The BBC's Jonny Dymond went to Miami to see if the city cares as much about soccer as the league hopes.

Produced by the BBC's Franz Strasser

Altered States is a series of video features published every Wednesday on the BBC News website which examine how shifting demographics and economic conditions affect America on a local level.

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