David Lowery: File-sharing music is 'unethical and amoral'

For three decades David Lowery has been writing songs and performing with his two alternative rock bands Cracker and Camper Van Beethoven.

When he's not on the road touring, Lowery is teaching students at the University of Georgia about the business of the music industry.

He is a vocal critic of that industry, and particularly how technology - from illegal downloading to new streaming services - has made it harder for artists to keep control of their work and to earn a living from it.

But when he spoke to the BBC at his home in Richmond, Virginia, Lowery also took aim at today's younger generation who, he says, have come to expect to listen to music for free.

Concert footage filmed at the 9:30 Club in Washington DC.

Produced by the BBC's Bill McKenna

Living Online is a series of video features published every Tuesday on the BBC News website which look at how technology converges with culture and all aspects of our daily lives.

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