BBC Pop Up: What Kenyans want the world to know ahead of Obama visit

BBC Pop Up is in Kenya ahead of US President Barack Obama's visit to the country for a summit next week.

Mr Obama told a White House news conference on Wednesday that he wished he could visit the "gifted and blessed country" - where his father was from - as a private citizen because as president he would be stuck in a hotel or conference room.

He also said he would be looking at issues including counter-terrorism and corruption as well as health and education.

That is what Mr Obama is interested in - but Pop Up gets its story ideas from you, the audience, and from locals on the ground.

Video journalist Matt Danzico and BBC Africa correspondent Anne Soy held a meeting with Nairobi residents to ask what stories they want to share with the rest of the world.

You can see what other story ideas we're looking at and find out how to get involved on the Pop Up live blog.