Clowning around: A show that tackles death and grief

A clown show about death is "done in a way that you would never, ever expect or forget" says Grace Gallagher, who is the artistic director of Ugly Bucket Theatre in Liverpool.

It features the emotional stories of many people including Frank. Ten years on from his wife's death, Frank describes how, like for many people, the emotion of grief can still "grip" him at unexpected times "like a tidal wave that just sweeps you away".

And 23-year-old Rida, whose parents have both died, found that her friends didn't know how to speak with her, and so she's sharing her experiences to encourage people to open up.

Filmed and Edited by: Dave O'Neill

Additional filming: Ruth Evans and James Stewart

Executive Producer: Natalie Truswell

Commissioning Editor: Kimberley Rowell

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