Webscape: Lip-syncing animation tool

Kate Russell's weekly review of the best apps and websites.

People love to share photos of special moments online, but what is not so nice is coming across them later and wishing you hadn't. Snapchat, external is a fun free app for iPhone and Android where users privately share photos and video that can only be viewed once and disappears after a few seconds - so you can share your enthusiasm for life without it coming back to haunt you.

Remember that screenshots can be taken of anything you share - Snapchat should warn you if this happens - but if someone snaps a photograph of anything you share on another device it will be out of your control without you knowing.

Another, similar service recently launched is Secret.li, external - an Apple app designed for private sharing with Facebook friends. It lets you protect images with an encrypted filter so they cannot be seen on your phone or online by anyone you have not chosen to share them with, but it will not stop people taking a screenshot and passing that on.

You might think Twitter is a pretty disposable format too, but Vizify, external automatically turns your interactions into a fun little movie you can share with friends with the minimum effort or fuss from you.

Another simple animation tool that is loads of fun is Crazy Talk, external, which lets you record or upload a voice track, then choose a character to have it automatically lip-synced, complete with facial expressions and gestures.

According to the UN, traffic fatalities are increasing at such an alarming rate in the developing world they will soon outstrip Aids, HIV and malaria as one of the leading causes of death. The problem is highlighted through an interactive map at roadskillmap.com, external.

If you fancy a free gig with Elton John, Justin Timberlake or Lady Gaga, the iTunes Festival , externalruns throughout September with a free performance from some of the music industry's biggest names every night of the month. UK residents can apply for a chance to win tickets through the free app while the rest of the world will have to make do with watching the performances streamed.

Watch more clips on the Click website. If you are in the UK you can watch the whole programme on BBC iPlayer.