'Real life' zombie game goes viral

People logging on to messaging services Chat Roulette, Omegle and Skype got a surprise at the weekend when confronted with a "real life" zombie computer game to play live.

A video of their reactions to the first person shooter-style game, played out by actors in response to their commands, had over 1 million views on YouTube in just 12 hours.

South Devon film maker David Reynolds made the game in his back garden.

All the sound effects, including gun shots, were mixed in live when the unsuspecting players told the actor under their control to fire his gun.

The lead actor wore a bike helmet kitted out with a Go-Pro on the top of it and a Teradek Cube device to relay the data back to the production office set up in Mr Reynolds' house.

He was originally tethered by a long ethernet cable but kept getting tangled up, Mr Reynolds told the BBC.

One Go-Pro was harmed during the making of the film when Mr Reynolds connected the power supply to the HDMI socket by accident.

"I was wearing the helmet at the time and I could see smoke rising off it on my shadow," he said.

The action camera firm has now offered to send a replacement.