Housing market: 'I feel trapped in my own home'

A woman in Sunderland said she feels "trapped in her own home" as she described the difficulty of selling her house.

Gillian Donkin bought her house for £125,000 in 2007. Despite lowering her asking price to £112,000, she has been unable to find a buyer more than a year after putting it on the market.

"I'm just getting silly offers," Ms Donkin said, "the prices just keep going down and down." The lowest offer she received was £102,000.

The Bank of England's Financial Policy Committee (FPC) outlined measures on Wednesday designed to avert a housing boom that could destabilise the UK economy, but there is also evidence of a North-South divide in house prices.

"There's no housing bubble in the North East," added Ms Donkin.

Ms Donkin was interviewed by Simon Gompertz.

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