Margaret Aspinall: Name and shame the Hillsborough police

Margaret Aspinall lost her 18-year-old son James at Hillsborough and is chair of the Hillsborough Families Support Group.

Margaret told BBC Radio 2's Jeremy Vine that she was not allowed to touch her son after his death, but was only allowed to see his body through a glass screen.

She called for the naming and shaming of the police who altered statements at the time. She also called for Sir Norman Bettison, the current chief constable of West Yorkshire, to resign following the report into the Hillsbourgh tragedy.

Sir Norman has said he has "absolutely nothing to hide" and denies altering statements or asking for them to be altered.

The Jeremy Vine Show is broadcast Monday to Friday at 12:00 BST on BBC Radio 2. Or listen again via the link.

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