Looking back at 10 years of Polish immigration

Earlier this month Britain opened its doors to Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants after controls imposed since 2007 expired.

They are the largest batch of immigrants following the influx of Eastern European workers, mostly Polish, who came to the UK in large numbers when the European Union expanded 10 years ago.

Inside Out looks at the impact of Polish migrant workers in Kent and Sussex over the last decade.

A decade of immigration from Poland has had a profound effect on south east England, where Polish is now the most commonly spoken foreign language.

Some economists like Doug McWilliams of the Centre for Economic and Business Research believe their arrival has benefited the economy.

But others claim they have taken British jobs, pushed down wages and are a strain on welfare.

Reporter Rachel Royce explores the impact of migrant workers and examines the construction sector, which could also be affected by an influx of Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants.

Inside Out is broadcast on Monday, 6 January at 19:30 GMT on BBC One South East and nationwide for seven days thereafter on the iPlayer.

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