'Artificial intelligence glasses' helping blind man

A blind man has said he has been helped to read by "artificial intelligence glasses".

The Orcam glasses have a tiny smart camera that can recognise text and even people's faces.

The glasses then speak to the person wearing them through a pair of headphones and explain exactly what they are looking at.

Mark Bilton was born deaf and at the age of 19 he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, an inherited eye condition which affects the retina at the back of the eye.

From then his sight then deteriorated and back in 2002 he was registered blind.

Mr Bilton. from Dunstable, Bedfordshire, said the glasses have made a massive difference to his life.

"I'm able to read things that previously I was unable to," he said.

"I couldn't read things off paper but with these glasses I can have it read to me and pick it up in my hearing aids."