Dunstable TikTok baker's tips for getting into business

A young baker who says his business has boomed during the pandemic has urged other would-be entrepreneurs to "put in the work" because "you can do a lot more than you think you can".

Bobby Odu, 18, started baking as a schoolboy in Bedfordshire, gaining plaudits from his family, but took a leap of faith on the day he left sixth form and approached a local cafe with his creations.

The decision paid off, and through the likes of TikTok and Instagram he has managed to promote his cakes to a wider audience.

"You hear all them stories about Alan Sugar and Richard Branson doing all these things, so I thought, you know what? I'm going to walk in there and say I want to sell some cakes in your shop," said Mr Odu.

"At first I can tell they were a bit sceptical... but I showed them my Instagram, showed them I'm serious, I got business cards and everything and they gave me a chance."