CCTV from Luton shows schoolboy driving car into teen and chase

The moment a 15-year-old schoolboy drove a Mercedes into another teenager was captured on CCTV.

Footage showed the teenage victim being knocked over then chased by a group of youngsters before being stabbed in the leg with a large knife in Farley Meadows, Luton on 10 March 2022.

Four teenagers pleaded guilty to wounding.

Mohammed Tahir, 18, of Solihull Road in Sparkhill, Birmingham, also admitted having a knife and was given a 23-month suspended jail sentence with 150 hours of unpaid work.

Three boys, who are now all 16 years old and cannot be named for legal reasons, received youth rehabilitation orders.

Two of them also admitted having a knife and were given 18- and 12-month orders.

The judge gave the driver of the car, who is also now 16, a 12-month order.

Sentencing them at Luton Crown Court, recorder Howard Cohen said: "I cannot conclude gang rivalry contributed to the wounding.

"You are four young men with futures ahead of you. I urge you to take the chance you have been given to start afresh."

The victim, who was taken to hospital with wounds to his leg, did not cooperate with its investigation.