'Amazing' video of blue tits' nest in drain in St Neots

A video of two blue tits using a drain as a nest has been described as "amazing" by bird experts.

It was filmed by wildlife enthusiast Kevin Westbury near his home in St Neots, Cambridgeshire.

He said: "I was surprised to see a bird pop out so I set up a camera on a tripod to film it.

"I'm chuffed at the reaction it's had. Most people said they'd never seen anything quite like it."

A spokesman for the RSPB said: "I've never personally seen that before - amazing. But it's not the safest of places to nest and it's symbolic of the fact there are fewer places for wildlife these days."

Dave Leech, who monitors nests for the British Trust for Ornithology said he had not seen blue tits nesting at ground level before, while Matt Merritt, editor of Bird Watching Magazine, called it "remarkable".