The young Fenland farmer taking on climate change

A 22-year-old farmer has told how he has built a reservoir and invested in new kit because of his fears over climate change and extreme weather.

Rob Andrew has been growing crops with his father in the Cambridgeshire Fens for five years and documents his time out in the fields on YouTube.

He said in the short space of time that he has been farming he has noticed planting and harvesting windows shortening.

They have tried to help the environment by planting more grass and trees and buying equipment that releases less carbon from the soil, as well as creating the small reservoir. He has called on the government to help out small farms with grants.

A Defra spokesperson said: "Our landmark plans for a renewed agricultural sector will transform the way we support farmers to reward them properly for the work that they do to improve the environment, adapt to a changing climate and store carbon.

"Our update to the Agricultural Transition Plan outlines how we will put this into practice, with farmers able to earn up to £70 per hectare for actions to improve the health of their soil – leading to increased biodiversity, improved water quality and reduced carbon emissions."