Essex cabbie praised for free children's hospital trip

A taxi driver has been praised on social media for refusing to take any money from a family he dropped off at Great Ormond Street children's hospital.

Lee McQueen, from Brentwood, in Essex, posted a video of the journey's end on Facebook, in which he was seen telling the parents to use the money to buy their child a toy or donate to the hospital's charity.

He told BBC Essex it was a black cab tradition not to charge for journeys like that and was delighted the video had been shared more than a quarter of a million times in a week.

He said: "I've had so many good comments and people messaging me and saying it's such a nice thing to do, so it's nice to spread some positivity around and hopefully it'll be contagious and everyone else will want to do nice things as well to help a lot of other people."

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