Pupils' learning affected by Heathrow noise, says study
A new study suggests students at schools under the Heathrow airport flight path take two months longer to develop their reading skills than other children.
Researchers from the University of London looked at the effect of noise on concentration levels of pupils at 40 schools in west London.
A Heathrow airport spokesman said: "We know aircraft noise can disturb people living under the flight path which is why we offer a variety of schemes to reduce the impact of noise.
"We encourage airlines to fly only their quietest aircraft into Heathrow by charging airlines more for noisier aircraft and spend an average of £100,000 on noise insulation for schools which are eligible."
BBC London's Marc Webber spoke to Katherine Harper, head teacher at Heathrow Heath Infants School and councillor Colin Ellar, deputy leader of Hounslow Council.