Journey to find WW1 Somme tunnel digger's grave

A woman who spent seven years investigating her great grandfather's death has descended 80ft (24m) to tunnels below the Somme, northern France, to retrace his steps and visit the spot where he died.

Sapper William Arthur Lloyd was killed by a German mine while tunnelling below the Somme battlefield in 1915. Now great granddaughter Lesley Woodbridge has retraced his steps to stand just feet from where he died - and where his body still lies.

On Sunday, with the help of a team of archaeologists studying the La Boisselle tunnels below the Somme, she descended and crawled along tunnels that in all likelihood her great grandfather had helped dig.

"We've just made the very last journey that he ever made and now we're standing where he actually rests. That has to be emotional," she said.