Telford self defence classes start for blind people

A martial arts centre in Telford has started self defence classes designed specifically for blind and partially sighted people.

Kyushinkai Martial Arts has been working with the West Telford Visually Impaired Group to help give people confidence and practical advice to protect themselves.

Action for Blind People, part of the RNIB group, said one in 14 people with a visual impairment had been the victim of a hate crime.

According to figures published by the RNIB charity in 2012, people with sight loss were twice as likely as people with another type of impairment to have experienced discrimination and three times more likely than people with no impairment to have been the victim of a hate crime.

BBC Inside Out in the West Midlands presents a special report on attempts to tackle assaults on blind and partially sighted people at 19:30 GMT on Monday 10 February.