Gastroparesis: New hope for woman unable to eat for three years

Emma Tuck, 21, has not been able to eat a full meal in more than three-and-a-half years.

The Doncaster woman has had a suspected form of gastroparesis, which means her stomach cannot process food and makes her vomit when she tries to eat, since she was 18

Emma says that on multiple occasions she has left doctor's appointments crying because they have not been able to help.

Her mum, Helen, says she often spends time "crying on my own" over her daughter's illness, adding that Emma "just wants to live and do things that young people do".

The family approached a consultant gastroenterologist in London who specialises in this area and who said there was treatment available privately.

Dr Ray Shidrawi said fitting what is known as a gastric pacemaker would help Emma get her life back.

He said: "It's really rewarding to be able to offer patients like Emma hope."

The family is now hoping to raise £30,000 to allow Emma to have the treatment which is currently not available on the NHS.

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