RSPB Minsmere wildlife reserve 'not yet ready' to open after lockdown
A wildlife charity has warned it is not ready to reopen its reserves after the coronavirus lockdown because it could be dangerous for its birds and mammals.
The RSPB said sites like Minsmere on the Suffolk coast might not be open for several weeks, despite the government saying people in England could begin to travel again for exercise and sport.
Staff were still checking to see if species like bitterns and marsh harriers had build nests in potentially dangerous places in the absence of human visitors.
Nick Forster from RSPB Minsmere said: "Both species nest on the ground, so they're quite vulnerable and if they're close to footpaths and there are a lot of people coming past, then the adults may abandon the nest.
"The red deer that live on site have become incredibly bold because they haven't been disturbed. They've enjoyed roaming around the car park."