MPs clash over Hunt evidence

The Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has been appearing at the Leveson Inquiry to defend his handling of News Corporation's bid to take full control of the broadcaster BSkyB. The inquiry heard that he had sent a message to James Murdoch congratulating him on the progress of the bid, just hours before he was given responsibility for judging it.

Mr Hunt said he had been "sympathetic" to the takeover but was determined that the process was open and transparent.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's The World At One programme, the Labour MP Chris Bryant, one of the victims of phone hacking, said: "We learned that Jeremy Hunt at the very time when it was being decided who should be taking over responsibility for the decision on the BSkyB takeover was in conversation with James Murdoch - you know, sent him a text saying, 'Congratulations on Brussels; just Ofcom to go,' which is not just sympathetic: that is effectively colluding with News Corporation."

But the Conservative MP Louise Mensch, who is a member of the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee which looked into phone hacking, said the inquiry had proved Mr Hunt had done nothing wrong,

"We've heard both from the Permanent Secretary and from Jeremy Hunt himself today that as soon as he was given the responsibility he ran a proper quasi-judicial process, often going against the Murdochs' interests," she said. "He's been completely exonerated."