UKIP: Godfrey Bloom MEP to rejoin former party?

An MEP who left his party after a series of high-profile comments said he would not stand as an independent candidate at future elections, but suggested he may rejoin UKIP.

Talking of the EU, Godfrey Bloom said UKIP was the "only game in town,.. the only party that is going to get us out".

The Yorkshire and Humber MEP, now sitting as an independent, said he had been "gagged" on subjects such as flat tax and drugs when he was in the party, so spoke about other issues.

But Mr Bloom claimed his now-infamous comments about women not cleaning behind fridges had seen a boost in the polls for his former party: He told Andrew Neil: "I am not an electoral liability, I never was for UKIP, I am a vote-getter."

Asked if would stand again, he first said: "We don't know, probably not. But I shall certainly be trying to help UKIP as best I can."

But when asked if he would soon be back in UKIP, he said nothing but smiled, while Andrew Neil told Sunday Politics viewers: "For those of you who not watching there, he just shrugged."

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