Survivors recall HMS Royal Oak sinking

On 14 October 1939, HMS Royal Oak was sunk after she was hit by German submarine with the loss of more than 800 lives. Barely a month into World War Two, it was a bitter blow.

On the 75th anniversary of the day U-boat U47 slipped unnoticed into the naval anchorage of Scapa Flow, and fired its torpedoes into the hull of the battleship, events are taking place to commemorate those who lost their lives.

Poignantly, this is the first major anniversary not to be attended by any of the survivors - of which there are believed to be just three.

Over the years many of them have returned to the islands to pay tribute to their friends and shipmates lost that night.

These are the voices of Royal Oak survivors Kenneth Toop, the late Taffy Davis and Don Harris; as well as local eye-witnesses Captain John Gray and Jim Harrison from the archives of BBC Radio Orkney.

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