Srebenica survivor: 'I waited to die'

A memorial service is being held in Edinburgh as events take place to mark the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre.

About 8,000 Muslim men and boys were murdered by Bosnian Serb troops during the break-up of Yugoslavia, in the worst massacre in Europe since World War Two.

Nedzad Avdic was 17 when he tried to flee the atrocity with his father and uncle.

Both men died. Nedzad was captured, along with thousands of others - their fate to be sealed in a mass execution.

Nedzad - who is attending the service at St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh on Friday - said: "Twenty years on we are still looking for our loved ones; my uncles, my cousins, I still haven't buried them."

He told his story to BBC Scotland's Hayley Millar, mostly in his own words and occasionally with the help of a translator.