SNP MP's victim was not supported by party, Nicola Sturgeon says

The SNP's Westminster group has questions to answer over its handling of a harassment complaint against MP Patrick Grady, Nicola Sturgeon has said.

Speaking during a visit to Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh, the first minister said she still had confidence in her party's Westminster leader Ian Blackford.

But she said a victim who does not feel supported "is by definition unsupported".

Mr Grady was found to have made unwanted sexual advances to a teenage SNP staffer.

An independent panel said he last week that he touched and stroked the neck, hair and back of his male colleague during a social event in 2016, and recommended the former SNP chief whip be suspended from parliament for two days.

It emerged that Mr Blackford had subsequently urged his party's MPs to "give as much support as possible" to Mr Grady after audio of an SNP group meeting was leaked to the Daily Mail, external.