Tory leader contender Truss remarks obnoxious - John Swinney

Scotland's deputy first minister John Swinney said Tory leadership contender Liz Truss's comment that Nicola Sturgeon should be ignored was "completely and utterly unacceptable".

He told BBC Scotland's The Nine programme: "People in Scotland, whatever their politics, will be absolutely horrified by the obnoxious remarks that Liz Truss has made tonight.

"I think Liz Truss has with one silly, intemperate intervention fundamentally undermined the argument that she tries to put forward that Scotland somehow can be fairly and well treated at the heart of the United Kingdom."

Mr Swinney's response came at a hustings event in Exeter, where Ms Truss described herself as "a child of the Union", having spent some of her youth living in Paisley.

She is vying alongside former chancellor Rishi Sunak to take over her party.

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