Ash Cymru starts Filter quit service for teenage smokers

A new health campaign has been launched after research shows around 14,500 young people aged 11-15 start smoking every year in Wales.

Ash Cymru, a voluntary organisation tackling tobacco use, has launched a new smoking advice and support service dedicated to 11-25 year olds.

The Filter, external which launched on Thursday includes online support and a telephone "quitline" tailored to young people.

Ash Cymru says research shows 14% of 15-year-old girls and 9% of 15-year-old boys regularly smoke.

The organisation was given £864,881 from the Big Lottery in May 2012 to fund the Young People's Smoking Cessation project for three years.

Sophie Paterson explains more about the project to BBC Radio Wales' Oliver Hides.

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